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🛣️ Generative AI for Software Testing

1. Foundations

  • Generative AI Understanding: Grasp models like GPT-3, diffusion models, GANs, and how they generate different content (text, images, code).
  • AI in Testing Landscape: Understand how generative AI tools are currently used and their potential in the testing process.

2. Prompt Engineering Learn the art of crafting prompts (instructions, queries) for generative models to get the desired outputs.

3. Test Data Generation

  • Synthetic Data for Variety: Learn to create realistic test data (names, addresses, product descriptions), expanding test case coverage.
  • Data for Edge Cases: Focus on generating data for those hard-to-reach scenarios, improving test robustness.
  • Input Fuzzing: Use generative models to create unexpected inputs for security and vulnerability testing.

4. Test Case and Scenario Creation

  • Narrative-Driven Test Cases: Leverage AI to generate test cases and scenarios based on user stories or requirements.
  • Exploratory Testing Assistance: AI suggests potential test paths and actions, uncovering unexpected behaviors.
  • Test Case Augmentation: Generate variations on existing test cases, increasing coverage.
  • Natural Language Test Queries: Explore the potential of asking questions in plain language to have the AI generate relevant tests.
  • Test Evaluation and Prioritization: Investigate AI-assisted test quality assessment and prioritization.

5. Automated UI Testing with Generative AI

  • Code Generation for Tests: Research on AI generating snippets of test code directly from requirements or specifications.
  • Visual Test Generation: Train models to create diverse visual UI variations for testing responsiveness and rendering across browsers/devices.
  • Object Identification: Enhance test scripts' robustness by having AI dynamically identify UI elements even under changes.
  • Self-Healing Tests: AI adapts tests when the UI changes, reducing maintenance.

6. Performance Testing Aid

  • User Behavior Simulation: Generate realistic user traffic patterns for load testing, mimicking diverse behaviors.
  • Bottleneck Prediction: Potentially use AI to analyze performance data and predict where bottlenecks may occur under stress.

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